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4JM and 4NP

Welcome to Year 4

Typical Year 4 Timetable


Key Information


  • Full PE kit to be worn on Wednesday
  • Please read at least three times a week with your child. This will be recorded at school throughout the week.
  • Books can be changed every day, as often as your child wants to.


Communicating with your child's class teacher: 

Our direct year group email is As both classes use this email, please make it clear in the subject line who the email is for (FAO Mr Morton or Miss Li). 


Names in clothing:

Please ensure that your child's clothing is clearly labelled with their name so their clothing can be rightfully returned (should it be taken off).




    • MyMaths online homework will be set every Monday.
    • New spellings will be given every Friday to learn by the following Friday.  These can be found in Google Classroom and are also available up in the classroom for the children.  Some suggested strategies for practising spellings can be found below.  In addition to the weekly words, we encourage the children to learn the spellings on the Year 3/4 spelling list, see below.  Can you learn them all by the end of Year 4?
    • Practise Times Table Rockstars.  We set regular 'battles' between classes to encourage the children to do this.

    Malham Residential - 28-30 April 2025

    Please have a look through the slides from the parents meeting if you were unable to attend.

    Talk to your class teacher if you would like to know more. 

    Autumn Term 1 - Our Topic - The Romans

    Recommended Reading

    Please see the below link which has been made available for all families to access. It contains the recommended reading for children in Year 4. It has a lovely mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts which will really enhance your child's comprehension skills. 

    Other Useful Links
