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School Meals

The school can provide a hot meal over lunchtime. These paid meals are prepared on site and served to the children at dinnertime.
The costs of the meals are £2.40 per day (£12 per week) for Key Stage 2. Children in Key Stage 1 are currently entitled to Universal Free School Meals.


Dinner money should be paid in advance by parentmail.


In addition to this facility, children may bring a packed lunch or, alternatively, they may go home for lunch. When a packed lunch is brought, safe containers must be used. Children can bring plain unflavoured water in their own water bottle if they wish. We can’t accept responsibility for food lost, damaged or mislaid. If that happens, a meal will be provided which must be paid for the next day.


Parents who think that their children may be entitled to free meals may apply to the
Leeds Benefits Service,        2 Great George Street,
Leeds, LS2 8BA          (Tel. 224 3903).
Lunchtime Supervisors are mainly responsible for supervision during the midday break, although there are always members of the teaching staff on the premises.


The current lunchtime menu can be viewed below.
