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A Welcome from Miss Crawford, Headteacher

Welcome to the St Matthew’s C.E (Aided) Primary School website. We are a school for the whole community that likes to celebrate success – at every level. The life of the school is driven by enthusiasm and a desire to achieve. We aim to bring learning alive, making it exciting and stimulating. Although SAT results are often used as an indicator of success we would like to think that we have many strengths, not just academic ones. We want to give our children a thirst for learning that continues with them throughout their future school experiences and lives.
An essential ingredient for this to happen is teamwork. We view education as a joint venture, involving everyone – children, parents, staff, Governors and the wider community. We hope that we will be able to depend on your co-operation and support in this partnership, hoping that together we can provide the best for every child.
We are proud to be an inclusive Christian school, bringing together children from a wide range of economic, social and ethnic backgrounds; creating an exciting and diverse learning community. We have strong links to St Matthew’s church and the Vicar is a member of our Governing Body.
In the context of this, all children will receive teaching in Religious Education which, whilst having a multi-cultural element, will be based on the beliefs of the Church of England. We will tell them the difference between right and wrong, how to sort out problems and that everybody is deserving of respect.
We are confident that with a talented team of both teaching and non-teaching staff we can provide a smooth transition for any child joining the school and strive to meet the needs of all.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Kind regards


Miss G Crawford

