Key Information
Communicating with your child's class teacher:
Our direct year group email is As both classes use this email, please make it clear in the subject line who the email is for (FAO Miss Simpson or FAO Miss Stansfield).
Collecting your child at the end of the day:
We have now learned most parents'/carers' faces which is great for a speedy home time dismissal. If your child is being collected by another person, please ensure that your child's class teacher is aware of this in advance. The best way to do this is by contacting the school office. Due to safeguarding reasons, we cannot release a child to a person without prior instruction from the parent/carer.
Names in clothing:
Please ensure that your child's clothing is clearly labelled with their name so their clothing can be rightfully returned (should it be taken off).
PE days:
On PE days children should come to school in their PE kit. They will wear the kit all day. PE on Wednesday for both classes.
We were very excited to explore and play with the snow in the outdoor area on Tuesday. It was perfectly timed as this week we have started to learn our Nativity songs.
Miss Wadwell organised a super trip to church this week. We explored different aspects of the church building and discussed why it is special to Christians. We saw the old Bible, the old stone font, the stain glass windows and the organ. Thank you Reverend Simon for a wonderful visit.
We started the week in Church learning about Remembrance Day and engaged in lots of discussions and activities to remember the soldiers and animals. This link below helped us understand how they might have felt.
Reception fun
We're having so much fun settling into our new routine, making friends and enjoying our new learning environments.
Autumnal explorations
We learning to identify signs of Autumn and name the four seasons.
All About Me!
We've started our new topic 'All About Me' by recognising what makes us special and unique with a brilliant book 'Incredible Me'. We've enjoyed creating a self portrait and engaged in various creative tasks to draw / paint / collage ourselves. We will be learning about The Colour Monster and developing our emotional literacy to recognise and talk our feelings.
At lunchtime and at the end of the day we do a whole class prayer. The children do not have to join in with this but are asked to be respectful during this time. Below are the words to the prayers. At lunchtime and at the end of the day we do a whole class prayer. The children do not have to join in with this but are asked to be respectful during this time. Below are the words to the prayers.
Early Writing Skills
Please encourage your child to mark make using pens, pencils, paintbrushes etc. Part of the writing process is children ascribing meaning to marks and children gaining confidence with pencil control.