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Meet the Governors

Meet the Governors


Structure and Remit of the Governing Body


What do Governors do?


The role of a School Governor is to contribute to the work of the Governing Body in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children in the school by:


  • setting the school’s vision, christian ethos and strategic direction by developing a strategic plan along with the Headteacher ensuring that all children in the school have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and determining aims, policies and priorities for the school; and
  • holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils by setting statutory and non statutory targets and monitoring and evaluating the school; and
  • assisting with the appointment of staff and ensuring the implementation of a range of personnel procedures; and
  • ensuring high levels of attendance and good standards of pupil behaviour; and
  • ensuring the wellbeing, health and safety of pupils and staff; and
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.


Structure and Remit of the Sub Committees


Teaching and Learning Committee:

Responsible for teaching and learning matters including target setting, standards and achievement, special education needs and disability (SEND), including reporting annually on the success of the SEND policy, monitoring teaching and learning and curriculum provision and ensuring that the governing body is represented at school improvement discussions.


Resources Committee:

The Resources Committee is responsible for overseeing the school budget and anything related to the budget (e.g building, maintenance and staff recruitment). It is responsible for financial policy and planning and financial monitoring.


Governors meet at the main governor meeting twice per term, with one of the meetings including spending time in school with pupils and staff. Sub committees meet once per term. Meeting minutes for all meetings can be requested from the School Office or by emailing:


Our last Ofsted visit in February 2020 reported:

"Governors have strengths in safeguarding. They carry out regular audits to ensure the school meets its statutory duties."


Ofsted visit in May 2016 reported:

“Governors know the school well. They have an accurate view of the school’s performance and undertake their statutory duties with diligence and commitment."


"The establishment of the joint review group has helped to focus the work of governors. It has successfully strengthened governors’ role in monitoring and driving through whole-school improvements."


"Governors are reflective of their own practice and evaluate the range of skills they can offer the school. They ensure that any new appointments to the governing body have the skills required to strengthen their work further."


"Minutes of the governing body reflect the level of support and challenge offered to leaders at the school and demonstrate governors’ commitment to continuous improvement."



The Structure of the Governing Body can be found here:


Meet the Governors
