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Welcome to Year 6



Robin Wood Update: Day 2

The children have had another fantastic day here in Wales, with the weather just about staying dry, albeit a fair bit colder than yesterday. The early wake up at 07:00 went down well, as did the breakfast at 07:30, followed by the first activities at 08:30. A jam-packed, full-throttle and awe-inspiring day of bravery, challenge, fun and teamwork has certainly taken its toll, and a good night's sleep is hopefully upon us. Breakfast isn't until 08:10 so a bit of a lie in too. Then it's another three brilliant activities, lunch and the journey home. The children have all been great and have enjoyed it. 

Robin Wood Update: Day 1

After the coach journey along the M62 and down the M56, we arrived in sunny Wales all raring to go, with sick buckets still intact and unused. Pizza for lunch did its job and off the children went to begin an afternoon full of activities and excitement, with more than just a few of them overcoming fears of heights, lake water, or both.


After dinner, the children did group games and are currently going to sleep. (9:45pm)


Breakfast is at 07:30 so here's hoping for a good sleep for all.

Typical Year 6 Timetable

Key Information


  • Full PE kit to be worn on Wednesday


Communicating with your child's class teacher: 

Our direct year group email is As both classes use this email, please make it clear in the subject line who the email is for (FAO Mr Davies, Mrs Fishwick or Mrs Challinor). 


Names in clothing:

Please ensure that your child's clothing is clearly labelled with their name so their clothing can be rightfully returned (should it be taken off).



  • Read at least three times a week with your child and discuss the books they are reading.  They should be reading a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction material.
  • MyMaths online homework will be set every Friday to be completed by Tuesday.
  • New spellings will be given on Mondays to be tested on Friday.
  • Grammar homework set Tuesday to be completed by Friday.

Our current learning - Summer 1 - Rainforests

Our previous learning topic - Spring 2 - Rainforests 

Science Week - Time

Still image for this video
We looked at how micro-organisms affect flour and water over time.

Our previous learning topic - Spring 1- Ancient Africa

Our previous learning - Autumn - WWII

World War II was the focus of our class assemblies and in RE we have working on the big story of the Bible, as well as learning about Judaism from a visitor.


Today we have been learning about light and how to make it travel around corners. 

Recommended Reading

Please see the below link which has been made available for all families to access. It contains the recommended reading for children in Year 6. It has a lovely mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts which will really enhance your child's comprehension skills. 

Robinwood Summer Residential

Other Useful Links
