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If your child is absent from school we would appreciate a quick phone call to let us know the reason so that we can update our records. If you are unable to let us know, school will contact you on the first day of absence.

Similarly we would like to be advised in advance of any medical/dental appointments your child may be attending. Please note that only the child who is attending the appointment will be given authorised leave. Siblings should remain in school until the end of the day.
If we do not receive a reason for your child not being at school, it is the requirement of the Attendance Strategy Scheme that we must record these absences as unauthorised.
Term time holidays
The Department for Education has issued new advice regarding absence from school and prosecution. Previously the Head teacher was allowed to grant permission for holidays in term time but recent amendments (in force from 1 September 2013) make it clear that Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
 In light of these changes we will unfortunately no longer authorise ANY applications for family holidays, cheap holidays, free holidays, birthdays, family gatherings etc. There is no longer any entitlement for family holidays during term-time.
If children are taken out of school without authorisation a penalty notice may be issued and a fine imposed by the Local Authority.


Some children are repeatedly and regularly late for school. If your child is late and misses the registration period, this is classed as an unauthorised absence. It is very important that your children arrive in school every day in good time for the start of the school day, which is at 8.55am. Please give your children the very best chances in life by bringing them in to school every day on time.