Intent statement for computing:
We can be digitally literate.
At St. Matthew’s we aim to give pupils life skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise technology in a socially responsible and safe way, in order to thrive. We use objectives from the National Curriculum alongside the Twinkl scheme of work to provide a broad and engaging curriculum based on skills progression each year. This progression of skills throughout school allows children to build on prior knowledge and gives them opportunities to explore and express themselves in different ways using a range of media and technology. Our children are encouraged to be creative, resilient and analytical learners who have the skill-set to tackle different computer software competently.
Computing is based around three strands:
Computer Science-involving problem solving, programming and logical reasoning.
Digital Literacy- involving e-safety and links to wider technology uses.
Information Technology- involving creating content using different computer programs and searching for information.
Computer Science is the core of the computing curriculum, in which, children are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. We ensure the children have a wide range of coding experiences and become familiar with recognising and creating algorithms.
We believe in developing the pupils understanding of how to use the internet safely so they are equipped to make safe choices when using technology. We participate in E-safety Day with the children taking part in a variety of activities based around being safe online and we also invite our local PCSO’s in to deliver age appropriate assemblies. The children are taught the importance of keeping their own personal details safe through individual logons and passwords.
We aim for our pupils to leave St. Matthew’s digitally literate and responsible digital citizens who are prepared for an ever-changing world of technological advances.