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2MB and 2SM

Welcome to Year 2

Our Typical Year 2 Timetable

Key Information

  • Library day is Wednesday.
  • Children to come to school in PE kit on Tuesdays.


Communicating with your child's class teacher: 

Our direct year group email is As both classes use this email, please make it clear in the subject line who the email is for (FAO Miss McBeth, Mrs Maini, Mrs Burgener). 


Collecting your child at the end of the day:

We have now learned most parents'/carers' faces which is great for a speedy home time dismissal. If your child is being collected by another person, please ensure that your child's class teacher is aware of this in advance. The best way to do this is by contacting the school office. Due to safeguarding reasons, we cannot release a child to a person without prior instruction from the parent/carer. 


Names in clothing:

Please ensure that your child's clothing is clearly labelled with their name so their clothing can be rightfully returned (should it be taken off). 


Spellings are given out on a Friday to be learnt by the following Friday.

My Maths tasks are set on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday.

Reading: Your child can choose their own reading book from a phonics book box or a colour band box that we deem appropriate. These books can be changed on any day and we encourage you to read three times a week with your child and sign their reading record.  

Google Classrooms will be used to set spelling lists for the week and occasionally throughout the year there may be other requests or tasks set. Note: We sometimes set tasks on Google Classroom for the children to complete in their computing lesson. This does not have to be done at home. 


Optional extra:

Numbots can be accessed anytime. We don't set weekly tasks on it, but it can be a useful tool for extra number practice at home. 

Times Table Rock Stars can be accessed from January onwards. This is when we will learn about multiplication.



Current Learning - Summer Term 2

Our Topic - Endangered Animals

June 2024 - Our school trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park - 2SM

Previous Learning - Summer Term 1

Our Topic - Where Do We Live?

May 2024 - We made these location spinners to think about the different categories of the places we live.

May 2024 - PSHE. How have we changed since we were babies?

2MB Class Assembly 3.5.24 All About Plants and Trees


During ICT we took photos around school and then thought of captions for the pictures. We hope you like our photos. 

Previous Learning - Spring Term 2

Our Topic - Into the Woods

Learning about Easter foods and their significance, and making our own Easter mini books! March 2024

Learning about Palm Sunday - February 2024

March 2024 - 2SM Class Assembly inspired by 'A Planet Full of Plastic'. Thank you to everybody that came to celebrate our learning with us.

Making arrays in maths to help us learn multiplication - February 2024

Previous Learning - Spring Term 1

Our Topic - A Material World

Well Being Day, February 2024 - Guinea pigs, yoga, sign language, French and a whole lot of fun!

Parent Pop In - January 2024. We showcased our brilliant reading skills in our Whole Class Reading session.

Maths - investigating shapes. January 2024

Christingle Service - January 2024

Previous Learning - Autumn Term 2

Our Topic - Journeys

Eco Warrior Speeches - December

International week - Learning about life in Hong Kong - November 2023

Learning how to program with the Beebots. Computing November 2023.

Previous Learning - Autumn Term 1

Our Topic - Fire and Ice


RE - October. Mrs Qureshi came to talk to use about her Islamic faith.

Maths in Year 2 - exploring place value and number representations. September '23

Recommended Reading

Please see the below link which has been made available for all families to access. It contains the recommended reading for children in Year 2. It has a lovely mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts which will really enhance your child's comprehension skills. 

Other Useful Links
