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1EB and 1HC

Welcome to Year 1

Typical Year 1 Timetable - Summer 1

Key Information

  • PE day is a Monday - your child can come to school in their PE kit every Wednesday. 
  • Your child will need their water bottle and snack every day. 
  • School Library books are changed every Friday
  • Phonetically decodable reading books will be brought home on Friday and MUST be returned to school on the following Monday. You will have the weekend to celebrate your child's reading. This is vital to ensure that the teaching and learning of Phonics and Early Reading can continue. 
  • Spellings and maths homework will be sent via Google Classroom every Friday evening for the following Friday. 


Communicating with your child's class teacher: 

Our direct year group email is As both classes use this email, please make it clear in the subject line who the email is for (FAO Miss Bradbury or FAO Mrs Cowling). 


Collecting your child at the end of the day:

As it is the start of the school year, we will be spending time learning new faces. This could mean that the process of dismissal may take a little longer. Thank you for your cooperation during this time.

If your child is being collected by another person, please ensure that your child's class teacher is aware of this in advance. The best way to do this is by contacting the school office. Due to safeguarding reasons, we cannot release a child to a person without prior instruction from the parent/carer. 


Names in clothing:

Please ensure that your child's clothing is clearly labelled with their name so their clothing can be rightfully returned (should it be taken off). 


Every Friday, a maths homework task and six spellings will be released via Google Classroom. This will be an electronic copy.  


The deadline for each maths task will be the following Friday and spelling celebration will also be held on a Friday. The spelling celebration is not a test and is not something that the children need to be worried about. The words that we will choose are based on the previous week's Phonics learning and therefore, the children will have already seen them.  We will monitor the children's progress in spelling through their writing.


Please note, this homework is to extend your child's learning, not to test them. We would like the children to complete it as independently as possible; however, if you find that your child is finding it difficult, please make a note and we can follow it up through curriculum time. 


Please see the below documents to support spelling practice each week. 

Our Current Learning - Summer 2

Our Topic - How has life changed for a child?

Wow, what an amazing school trip we had to Abbey House Museum!

In Art we have loved making Victorian games with Miss Wadwell! Here we are working really hard on our Marble Mazes.

In Careers Week we had so many exciting visitors! Here are some photos of the neurons we made with pipecleaners after one visit.

In RE we have been learning about the Jewish celebration of Sukkot. We had a great time building our own Sukkah in the woodland area, and then sharing a story (and a snack!) inside it at the end of the day.

We had a great time exploring Shabbat in RE

Our previous learning - Once Upon a Time

Parent Pop In - wow, we had a great time making masks of different characters from the Gingerbread Man story!

In Maths, we have been learning about 'a half' and what a half looks like. We learned that a half is two equal parts so we practised chopping pieces of fruit in half, making sure that there were two equal parts.

In Computing, we learned about what 'algorithm' means. We now know it means following a rule which is sometimes a pattern. We practised followed an 'algorithm' whilst using duplo to make a model.

WANTED! We made Wanted posters to try and find the Gingerbread Man. Miss Crawford sent us a video from the school's camera on the playground - we know he's here somewhere. Have you seen him?

In Maths, we finished our division learning by thinking about sharing. We learned that to share equally and fairly, each group had to have the same number of objects. We all did some excellent sharing both outside and inside, showing our excellent new knowledge.

Our previous learning - Who is the man on the moon?

In Maths today we explored capacity and volume. We had a great time outside filling different containers to full, nearly full, half full and nearly empty. We used our problem solving skills to work out which containers had a greater capacity!

In Maths, we are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We used a 100 number square to practise jumping 2 squares if we're counting in 2s and jumping 5 squares if we are counting in 5s.

In History, we are learning about a key, inspirational person: Neil Armstrong. Did you know that he was the first man to step on the Moon? We learned about his life, ordered the key events on a timeline and made our own astronauts to role play the Apollo 11 mission with.

In Maths, we carried on our learning all about numbers to 50. We have learned that partitioning means to break up a number, and we know that we can partition numbers into tens and ones. We completed three different activities to practise partitioning.

It's a race to 50! In Maths we have been learning about to numbers to 50 and counting them by making groups of tens. Today we played a game where we had to roll dice and add cubes, swapping our cubes for a ten stick when we had enough. Every couple of minutes, an adult shouted "Freeze!" and we had to work out how many we had by counting the tens first and then the ones.

Our Previous Learning - Where Shall I Go Next?

Wellbeing Day!

The last Friday of Spring 1 was dedicated to mental health and wellbeing. Here's some photos of the fun things we got up to!

In RE we have been thinking about the Creation Story. We learnt what God created on each day and why it might be important.

In English, we drafted and edited a poem using our senses. We pretended to be Amelia Earhart in her plane and used our imagination to think about what we could see, hear, touch, taste and smell. We read our poems to a friend and they helped us to make it even better! Then we published our work on special paper, just like real authors.

We really enjoyed our Parent Pop In. During our session, some of our grown ups saw us in a reading practice session and a phonics session. They were so impressed!

In Maths, we explored doubling using numicon. We know that doubles mean the same number twice. We even looked at numbers up to 50!

In Maths, we played lots of different games to help us to practice the skill of 'counting on'. It's a much quicker method than counting altogether.

In R.E, we explored the natural world in both pictures and properly. We spotted lots of things that were natural in our playground.

We visited St. Matthew's Church and Reverend Simon delivered a wonderful Christingle Service. We all got to make our own christingle!

Our Previous Learning - The Green Planet

Mrs Qureshi visited both 1EB and 1HC to share what it means to her to be a Muslim, and to show us some of the things she uses and wears because of her faith. We had lots of questions to ask her too!

Christmas in Jamaica

As part of International Week, Miss Brown came to share what she knows about Christmas in Jamaica. This also fits in with our Reflection time for this half term which is exploring the big question 'How do Christians around the world celebrate Jesus' birth?'

Our Previous Learning - The Blue Planet

In Art, we learned about the Midnight Zone. We made some Angel Fish!

In Art, we have made our own exotic fish that may live in the corals.

Recommended Reading

Please see the below link which has been made available for all families to access. It contains the recommended reading for children in Year 1. It has a lovely mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts which will really enhance your child's comprehension skills. 

Other Useful Links
