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4JM and 4GL

Welcome to Year 4

Typical Year 4 Timetable


Key Information


  • Full PE kit to be worn on Wednesday
  • Please read at least three times a week with your child. This will be recorded at school throughout the week.
  • Books can be changed every day, as often as your child wants to.


Communicating with your child's class teacher: 

Our direct year group email is As both classes use this email, please make it clear in the subject line who the email is for (FAO Mr Morton or Miss Li). 


Names in clothing:

Please ensure that your child's clothing is clearly labelled with their name so their clothing can be rightfully returned (should it be taken off).




    • MyMaths online homework will be set every Monday.
    • New spellings will be given every Friday to learn by the following Friday.  These can be found in Google Classroom and are also available up in the classroom for the children.  Some suggested strategies for practising spellings can be found below.  In addition to the weekly words, we encourage the children to learn the spellings on the Year 3/4 spelling list, see below.  Can you learn them all by the end of Year 4?
    • Practise Times Table Rockstars.  We set regular 'battles' between classes to encourage the children to do this.

    Spring Term 2

    Our Topic - Mapping Malham

    Dance Spectacular at Leeds Rhinos 

    Some of the children took part in the dance spectacular before the Leeds Rhino's game on 3rd May. They were great, have a look at some of the photos of them in action!

    Our Residential at Malham

    Today 4GL have loved exploring Janet's Foss and Gordale Scar. 4JM have done some mapping work around Malham village. In the evening we ran around the hostel completing the colour chase and did a quiz around Malham village. 

    Day 2:

    Today we have loved climbing up Malham Cove, the views were beautiful and we had fabulous weather. We also did River Studies, some of us loved getting wet. Later we charged around Malham Village geocaching. 

    Day 3:

    Sadly our residential came to an end today but not before 4JM went to Janet's Foss and Gordale scar and 4GL did some map reading.

    Thank you to all of the children for a fab residential!

    World Book Day

    Year 4 have loved dressing up as their favourite book characters, inspiring authors and even famous figures with autobiographies - it was quite the spectacle in the whole school assembly! We had special World Book Day activities. Our highlights were definitely the much-anticipated 'Book Swap' and a 'Teacher Swap'! 

    Spring Term 1

    Our Topic - Anglo-Saxons

    Reflection Time

    This term, year 4 have been thinking about the question 'How do we pray?' in Reflection Time.

    We explored the many examples of Jesus praying in the gospels. The children enjoyed creating their own prayer pyramids with each side representing four different types of prayer: Praise, Thank you, Sorry and Please. 

    Well-being Day

    For Well-being Day, year 4 enjoyed a huge range of rewarding and nourishing activities: from mini first aid, to a 'Dove' workshop. Here are some photos from the Street Dance session- we had so much fun learning new street dance skills, developing our creativity and co-ordination, and expressing ourselves in a dance-off! 

    Autumn Term 2

    Our Topic - Chocolate

    Art - Chocolate-themed Pop Art

    RE - Rangoli Patterns

    International Week - Learning about Poland

    Previous Learning - Autumn Term 1

    Our Topic - The Romans


    We have enjoyed learning about Hinduism in Year 4. In groups, pupils created a drama performance exploring Atman ('a spark of God' in everyone) and how this could make a difference to the way people treated each other. The children then reflected on how the Hindu belief about Atman was similar/different to their own beliefs and other beliefs they know about.  

    Art - Creating mosaics with tiles

    Art - Photos of our Roman inspired Mosaics

    2023 Residential in Malham:

    Day 1:

    Today we have had a lovely day. 4JM have scaled Malham Cove and although we had tired legs all made it up and safely back to the hostel. 4MC have had a good day walking to Janet's Foss and Gordale Scar. 


    Weather update: Some hail and a strong cold wind. 


    Here are some photos of our adventures from day 1.

    Day 2:

    We've had another fantastic day which has involved lots of resilience and perseverance whilst caving. Both classes have enjoyed learning map reading skills with a focus on six-figure grid references. 


    Weather update: Sunny and warm 


    Here are some photos from our adventures on day 2.

    Day 3

    Today 4MC scaled Malham Cove and 4JM enjoyed a stroll along Gordale Beck to see Janet's Foss and saw a heron and deer. 

    We all made it back safe and sound. Enjoy a good nights sleep!


    Weather update: Sunny and warm

    Recommended Reading

    Please see the below link which has been made available for all families to access. It contains the recommended reading for children in Year 4. It has a lovely mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts which will really enhance your child's comprehension skills. 

    Other Useful Links
